Child Labour Risks in Artisanal and Small-scale Mining 

The DRC produces 70% of global cobalt, with 10-30% from artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), where 150,000-250,000 people, including teenagers and children, work in over 40 artisanal cobalt mines. According to The Centre’s study, one in six children are working, and 44% of them in ASM to pay for schooling. Economic factors drive this, with 72% of working children aged 15-17 in ASM communities having no alternative employment. These children endure dangerous conditions harming their health and perpetuating poverty.


Given the complex supply chain, companies should acknowledge ASM cobalt's role in global battery supply chains. Through engaging with The Hub, companies mitigate child labour risks and contribute to an inclusive transition of the mining sector.

The Hub for Child Labour Prevention and Remediation 

Addressing the need for a sustainable, immediate, yet long-term solution to child labour prevention and remediation, The Centre, with support from the Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA) established The Hub in 2022. The Hub is set up as an association together with seven local CSOs, to build a strong, local network of child rights practitioners in the Kolwezi area. It breaks the cycle of child labour by supporting the return of children to education, overseeing their development, and providing financial assistance until the child reaches working age. The Hub gives children and families a path towards a brighter future and ensures they do not return to the mines to work.

The Hub's Programmes

Our programmes meet evolving due diligence expectations in a way that drives direct and positive change for children on the ground, and addresses the risk of child labour along the supply chain.


·     Child Labour Remediation Programme

·     Emergency and Education Fund

·     Youth Development Programme

·     School Support and After-School Centres

How you can get Involved

Companies, foundations, governments, and other actors can support one, several or all of The Hub’s Programmes.


·      Contract The Hub directly linked to your specific needs or become a member of FCA, contributing to the programmes via a membership fee

·      Donate to a specific programme (e.g. Education and Emergency Fund)

·      Offer apprenticeship opportunities to young workers in your company or your business partner’s organisation

·      Make an in-kind contribution


Interested in The Hub’s work in the African region? Contact us

See our leaflet here to learn more about The Hub for Child Labour Prevention and Remediation and how you can get involved.

Browse Our Work in the DRC

dormakaba Pledges Long-term Support for the Child Labour Prevention and Remediation Hub in the DRC
28/06/2024 | Project Updates
dormakaba Pledges Long-term Support for the Child Labour Prevention and Remediation Hub in the DRC
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Snapshot of The Hub's Outcomes in 2023
10/05/2024 | Project Updates
Snapshot of The Hub's Outcomes in 2023
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The Hub: A Child Labour Prevention and Remediation Network Creating Long-term Impact in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
01/02/2024 | Project Updates
The Hub: A Child Labour Prevention and Remediation Network Creating Long-term Impact in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
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From the Mines to a Classroom: Kamia’s Story of Remediation and Reconciliation
12/12/2023 | Stories
From the Mines to a Classroom: Kamia’s Story of Remediation and Reconciliation
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Reflections from a Trip to DRC Mining Communities: The Time is Now for a New Approach to Child Labour Remediation
21/11/2023 | Project Updates
Reflections from a Trip to DRC Mining Communities: The Time is Now for a New Approach to Child Labour Remediation
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Read our Guest Article for Fair Cobalt Alliance | Unleashing Potential: How Mining Companies Can Support Decent Work For Youth
28/11/2022 | News
Read our Guest Article for Fair Cobalt Alliance | Unleashing Potential: How Mining Companies Can Support Decent Work For Youth
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Study Launch: The Role of the Dutch Finance Sector in Improving Children’s Rights | May 10
26/04/2022 | Events
Study Launch: The Role of the Dutch Finance Sector in Improving Children’s Rights | May 10
Join us for the launch of the study ‘The role of the Dutch Finance Sector in Improving Children’s Rights in Cobalt Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining’, on May 10
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Study on the Finance and Banking Sectors’ Roles in Advancing Child Rights in Cobalt Supply Chains in the DRC
04/03/2022 | News
Study on the Finance and Banking Sectors’ Roles in Advancing Child Rights in Cobalt Supply Chains in the DRC
The Centre, in collaboration with Save the Children Netherlands, has launched a study that focuses on the finance and banking sectors’ roles in advancing child rights in cobalt supply chains.
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New Study Highlights Child Rights Risks in Informal Cobalt Mining and Opportunities for Businesses to Adapt Responsible Sourcing Approach
08/12/2021 | News
New Study Highlights Child Rights Risks in Informal Cobalt Mining and Opportunities for Businesses to Adapt Responsible Sourcing Approach
The Centre and Save the Children Germany have released a new study on child rights in cobalt artisanal and small-scale mining in the DRC.
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