The Centre for Child Rights and Business supports companies in child rights, ESG, and human rights due diligence, including compliance with the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), to deliver improvements within their supply chains and yield positive business outcomes.
Our mission is to promote supply chain transparency, improve corporate practices for businesses, and improve the lives of children and families by working with companies to strengthen children’s rights.
Throughout our work, we create tangible and long-term impact that serves both children, parent workers and business. We provide global expertise, services, support, research and insights covering a broad range of child rights and business issues across multiple sectors and countries.
Our services cover child labour prevention and remediation, child rights risks assessments, support packages for young workers and other vulnerable groups, and services to create family-friendly workplaces in supply chains including child friendly spaces and migrant parents training.
Our supply chain mapping and risk assessments help businesses to understand where and how their supply chain-related operations have a child rights and human rights impact, and provide concrete recommendations to manage risks.
We work in major sourcing countries across Asia, with staff and projects also located in Europe, Africa, North and South America.
Explore our latest project updates and stories to learn more about our work and impact.
The Centre for Child Rights and Business was founded by Rädda Barnen AB and officially began operating in China in 2010 as a social enterprise with the mission to work with businesses to improve the lives of children affected by their operations. Our original name was The Centre for Child Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility (CCR CSR), with a small team of child rights experts and staff based in Beijing.
Since then, we’ve grown into a global team of over 51 staff based in 27 countries delivering child rights and business services and support to over 100 companies and thousands of suppliers across a range of business sectors. As of January 2021, we changed our name to The Centre for Child Rights and Business (shortened version ‘The Centre’). Read our FAQ to learn more about this change.
Our goal is to support and deliver sustainable solutions to businesses that create positive changes for children, young workers, parent workers, and the businesses themselves. We strive to help companies identify, prevent, and mitigate the adverse impacts of their operations on children’s rights, in line with human rights due diligence regulations including the EU CSDDD.
We thoroughly understand the challenges and the opportunities that come with efforts to address child rights and we always embrace a holistic and outcome-oriented approach that works for everyone. We believe businesses have the potential to be a driver for good and we are committed to supporting them every step of the way.
Our work has created positive impact for thousands of children, parent workers and young workers to date. Each year, we support companies to identify, address and prevent cases of child labour across Asia and beyond, providing child labour remediation delivered by our network of in-country accredited child labour case managers to create a brighter future for children.
At the same time, businesses that work with us benefit from a multitude of positive outcomes, including enhanced human rights due diligence, better risk management and compliance in supply chains, reduced risks of child labour, increased workforce stability and satisfaction in factories, improved recruitment and retention, reduced exposure to regulatory or other liabilities and strengthened corporate reputation among customers.
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